
Welcome to Granite.
Our data enrichment service

Quality data is the bedrock for all pricing models

Find out more

Postcode data

Postcode rating is one of the most predictive factors in motor insurance. And notoriously difficult to understand due to the heterogeneity of neighbouring postcodes and sparsity of data.

We have spent the best part of a year researching geographical data with a focus on understanding motor insurance risk.

This data includes Pebbles derived scores to understand the risk from accidents, theft and bodily injury.

And a unique (market-first) score to explain the market premium.

All at a full UK postcode level, with quarterly updates.

Vehicle data

Understanding the vehicle is core to understanding the risk associated with motor insurance.

We have spent months researching cars manufactured from 1993, updating values related to nearly 80 aspects of the car.

We have derived Pebbles risk scores to understand the risk from accidents, theft and bodily injury.

And a unique, market-first, score to explain the market premium.

All at an ABICode vehicle level, with monthly updates.

Market tracker

Please contact us to find out more and to have a pilot trial.

We have partnered with a leading price comparison website and Incited to bring to real-time innovative solution to help you understand premium inflation that is specific to your business with the ability to understand market prices at a customer segment level of your choice.

Motor only.
Van & Home coming soon.

A data enrichment service designed & built by Pebbles 

We’ve partnered with 
To provide a optional real-time service